Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Virgin blogger

Hi, well the cherry has popped and it's full steam ahead from this point!
I hope you all find this blog very interesting and informative aboout my life.

I live in a predominately testosterone filled home with my husband, 2 sons, and two male dogs, making me very estrogen lonely.
No pink frills, barbie dolls or beautiful smells in the air for me, no, no... it's wrestling, trucks and Spiderman all the way.

I suppose there are some benefits in being the only female in the house, like being the only raging lunatic for a few days of every month. During this time I know that I can say or do anything and all will be well. My second personality is always very happy to take the wrap for me.

That's all for today.
Check in again soon for the next exciting update!!